Could Today Be Better Than You Imagined?


Yesterday, a woman came up to my husband and I on the beach and shared some fun news- a nearby sea turtle nest was hatching its last little egg. What proceeded was a group of the three of us, growing to nine people cheering on a baby sea turtle across the beach to its ocean destination. It got me thinking about what we think the world or people owe us, meanwhile in nature, animals take their lot in life and just live without comparison or a desire have things easier or different.

How often do we open our eyes and are more aware of the lists of things that need to be done than the things of things that God could do? How much more of a gift could our days be if we opened our eyes and our first thought was “I wonder what God will do today?”

Because friend, just like that sea turtle adventure, there are many more adventures waiting around the bend for those who will trust in Him.

The reality is that while life is challenging and difficult, the world will make it harder and tell you over and over what you need to do in order to have a great day. But God already has a great day planned for you each day. He planned things in advance for you to do (Ephesians 2:10), and it has little to nothing to do with how talented, smart, well-dressed or liked you are. There is a constant voice in this culture that we need to impress others, live up to the world’s standards and do what we hear the world tell us to do. And it is simply bogus. God showers love on each one of us equally. God is ready and willing to give us good things. Scratch that, amazing things. Actually, wait, the best things. Hold on, let me pump it up a notch- better things than we can imagine!

“No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him.”" (1 Corinthians 2:9)

This has been my challenge to myself and others lately: if God is able and willing to give these glorious things to us, why do we allow ourselves to wake up and walk around with worried, negative and stressed thoughts sliding into our minds? I think it has to do with how much we listen to the culture’s voice and how little we listen to the voice of God.

I think if we are honest, we all struggle with this at different times and regarding different things. Life may be incredibly challenging right now, but God is still God. He still loves us with a massive love! He even wrote us a huge love letter (that’s this ) just to introduce us to himself and tell about his love for us. He created a massive universe for us to enjoy, live, learn, work and play in. Finally, He sent His son, His beloved son, to save us from the sin we entangled ourselves in which separates us from Him. He did this so that we might have full lives through Christ’s love (1 John 4:9). That is a miraculous love, friends. That is our reality. Let’s live in that reality today!

On a side note, I have been reading a very encouraging book about living this passionate-filled life and I highly recommend it. It’s called “Bury You Ordinary” by Justin Kendrick and I can’t really recommend it enough. Check it out.

Anyway, here are some questions I’m kicking around this week and I invite you to join me. Is today a day that is more challenging to live in the reality of the light of God’s love? Or is today a day we’re able to embrace the gift? What are ways we could be encouraged again?