If Your Week Left You Needing a Pep Talk..

Swinging Over the Night watercolor done by Lydia Jayne Art LLC

While painting this, I felt deeply just how wild life is.

One moment feels like total darkness and the next you’re swinging above it.

I’m reading through @levilusko ‘s Through the Eyes of a Lion and it struck me how resilient God made the human spirit. Of course, the thing about us that can do these mystifying miracles is the divinity with which He made us.

It is because we are crafted after His divine image.

The moments where we are our best selves- that is when we are closest to being like our maker.

I think it’s shockingly easy to forget this very real, intensely powerful truth. You and I? We were made with eternity in our hearts. We were crafted after an eternally kind, all-knowing, all-powerful Master-Craftsman who doesn’t make mistakes. And he loves us more than we can comprehend.

Maybe your week was downright brutal. Maybe you live in Ukraine right now, and the world is as you know it is upside down and terrifying. None of what I say is meant to belittle the pain. It is real. But we are resilient. We were made with, as Paul reminded his young friend, with “a spirit of power, love and sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7).

So wherever you find yourself at the end of this week, friend, just know the Spirit of God is within you. You can do this. Because with His help, you are stronger and more loved than you could ever fully comprehend.