Quicker Ears, Slower Lips

Recently, I went on a run without my headphones or cellphone and asked God to help me listen. I told God many times that I was ready to hear His plan for me as my feet pounded the pavement. As I looked into the trees, I heard the rustling of the leaves and felt God impress upon me something unexpected.

In everyday conversations, when we sit down with our loved ones, we do not say over and over “I’m listening to you,” or “Here I am, waiting,” or “Go ahead and talk” because if we kept repeating that, that person would never have a chance to speak. Perhaps the reason we are not hearing God’s suggestions to us is because we are not actually taking the time to be completely silent, ready our hearts, and meditate on scripture or be silent in His creation. God has many things to say to say to us, but he does not often yell.

Writing about listening, James 1:19 says “..be quick to listen and slow to speak..” Maybe you’re like me and sometimes you are the opposite of that. But God often impresses on me how essential listening is to walk with Him. By no means have any of us likely attained any kind of perfection in this area. But I believe that as we walk with Him, he is shaping us into better listeners. He is ready to speak to each of us every day. Are you ready to listen?

The question I’m thinking about and invite you to join me today: How does realizing God calls us to be “quick to listen and slow to speak” shape your time with Him differently?