What's Awaiting In Your Future

We are merely passing through on this little planet. Sure, it feels big and we want to make it comfortable more than we need to. But this world is not our home. Through it all, we walk through each season with God. We are never alone. The daily events, the crisis moments, the victories- God is with us each step. He loves us so immensely that He is aware of each moment of our journey here. Scriptures even say he knows how often we lose a strand of hair or grow a new one (Luke 12:7). He is with us through our most obscure and dark days with the same attention and love as in the small daily wins.

Why does he care so much?

Paul wrote in Philippians 3:20 “But we are citizens of heaven, where the Lord Jesus Christ lives. And we are eagerly waiting for him to return as our Savior.” He wants us to know how much more to life there is than this planet. He wants us to know how good the future is He has planned (1 Corinthians 2:9). We may know it, or that may be a new thought. But when we accept Christ’s love for us, we live as free people. We are redeemed by and follow Christ. Our citizenship and the place we truly call home is heaven. This means that as wonderful or as horrible as our lives are at times, neither of those circumstances will last. This is because something far better waits for us. Let us always keep in mind our final destination.

Question: How does remembering that the best days are still ahead of you change your day?