For Peace Today, Try This

I love clouds. When I was younger, I would stare at clouds and see animals or faces. In the morning and at night, I love watching how white clouds change into gorgeous colors. As I walked earlier, I felt God tug at my heart. He loves us so much that He often gives beautiful paintings in the sky everyday in the form of clouds. I understand that scientifically, clouds are formed when water vapor turns into tiny frozen droplets. But I love that God uses science to create art. I also love that He makes it free for all of us willing to look up.

It is very easy in our day to day to be caught up in the daily grind of schedules. That said, God calls us in Psalm 46:10 to “Be still and know that I am God.” We pack our days so full (or have them packed for us!) that sometimes even taking even a few minutes to pause and look up to the sky feels daunting. But taking time to pause is essential. God never asks us to do anything that is not good for us. Being still and taking a moment to appreciate the creation of His hands can be calming. It is part of what we were created to do. By taking time to look up, be still or simply remember God gives so many good gifts to us, we remember our place with God. He is our Creator. He gives good gifts (James 1:17). Taking time to be still, recognize His goodness and his gifts isn’t only a command, it is also a way to truly live in peace.

I invite you to join me this week and mull over this question: How can we find a few minutes of time each day to be still and know God?