One Important Lesson from a Lemon

This week, God used conversations, events and circumstances to show me something interesting.

He likes giving amazing gifts in disguise. I think He enjoys when we trust him enough to know no matter what happens, he is using it for our good (Romans 8:28).

I made a process video of the above painting here. The funny thing is, this painting even while creating it caused me issues. The paper ripped twice, the sketch didn’t turn out the way I wanted and so on. I almost scrapped the whole thing because I was so disillusioned by my original idea. But the whisper kept floating into my ear- there is a disguised gift here!

I plunged forward into the video editing process with that in my ear. Much to my surprise, the finished product looked much more beautiful in the video than I had imagined. It was at that moment I caught on to one of the gifts- I got to see my progress. Not just how little the small issues mattered in the whole project, but beyond that. I could appreciate the progress i’ve made in the last year in persistence through my own self-doubt and self-critical nature.

Lemons become lemonade is a simple way to think of it for me!

So my friend,I realize this is a simplified way to look at a complex issue. But sometimes that’s the most effective. Whatever you’re facing today, I hope this encourages you in someway to make lemonade! If you have success finding the gift in disguise , I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!

And to give credit where it is due, the background was inspired by Kelogsloops who is just an incredible artist!