Posts tagged Christian
How to Win as the Underdog

One of the most famous kings, the Hebrew King David, was known for being one of biggest underdogs of all time. Before he was king, he was a shepherd boy, the youngest and least of all his seven brothers. But going from rags to richest did not make David proud, but instead more aware of his need for God. In fact, he relied on God so much, he constantly said….

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Forcing Our Fruit is Fruitless

What kind of fruit do we produce each day? Is it self-focused or other focused? Does it give life to others or tear them down? Are we acting out of stress-based, worry-based or fear-based thinking and feeling? Some of you might be like me and be hard on yourself thinking “I’m not producing enough good fruit, I have to be better. God has given me so much, I have to give back and grow more!” This kind of shame-based thinking needs to be uprooted from our hearts if we are to live in God’s freedom. As my former pastor Emy Vazquez says “Shame off you!”

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Building Up Sometimes Means Digging Down

I finished some home portrait commissions recently. It got me thinking about how grateful I feel to be able to make art and make it my focus. As I documented the paintings, it encouraged to spread that thankfulness to someone. So if you were waiting for a sign, maybe this is it: Work on that painting, start that book, begin that workout plan, take on that new opportunity!

Will everything work out the way you think? Nope! Will everything fail the way you fear? Nope! The truth is, it’ll be a process like anything else. We like instant. Instant deliveries, instant meals- trust me, I love my instant pot, I’m right there with you. However, staying the course on a few things, instead of taking on too many projects because we expect everything to be instant, will help us fight the frustration when the “instant” is impossible.

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