Posts tagged italy
The Beauty of Being Honest: A Lesson From Italy

Earlier this morning I reminisced about crisp fall days 10 years ago. I had adventured to Italy, to study art in the land and culture where some of my favorite artists had created their masterpieces. It was a gift and a challenge. Only seven other students studied in that semester’s cohort. While we lived and created in a 14th century stone and marble monastery, we traveled around central Italy and marveled at its beauty and culture.

My prayers in that monastery as I painted, sketched and studied were young artist prayers. I have the daily journal entries to remind myself that my prayers seeking God’s help were sometimes selfish and definitely passionate. It is clear looking back I was lost about what being an artist meant (and if we are honest, many of us artists are still discovering this!).

As I think back, I realized that the thing I learned about the most, more than artistic techniques or Italian culture…

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