Posts tagged faith
The War on Motherhood: A Pep Talk to Moms

If you know me, you know I’m not a mom. So why am I writing this? Because I am a daughter of a mom, sister to two moms, daughter-in-law to a mom, sister-in-law to three moms, and best friend to moms. And you know what ticks me off? How Satan gets each of them to feel unqualified as a mom. I hate beyond anything that Satan makes them feel “mommy guilt” - they are amazing moms. “No, Lydia, I was a bad mom today” they have all said to me. “For pity’s sake,” I want to yell, “you are already an ALL-STAR mom simply because you CARE about not being perfect for your child!”

Also guess what?

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Blessings of an Open Hand

The world can be uncertain and sometimes being open, whether it is open to change, open to new people or just open about our feelings, can be challenging. But I believe when we keep our eyes on the One who is certain, it becomes a little easier. Knowing and trusting in Christ’s love for us and His incredible faithfulness allows us to have hope that there are things that are immovable, unchangeable and trustworthy…

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The Beauty of Being Honest: A Lesson From Italy

Earlier this morning I reminisced about crisp fall days 10 years ago. I had adventured to Italy, to study art in the land and culture where some of my favorite artists had created their masterpieces. It was a gift and a challenge. Only seven other students studied in that semester’s cohort. While we lived and created in a 14th century stone and marble monastery, we traveled around central Italy and marveled at its beauty and culture.

My prayers in that monastery as I painted, sketched and studied were young artist prayers. I have the daily journal entries to remind myself that my prayers seeking God’s help were sometimes selfish and definitely passionate. It is clear looking back I was lost about what being an artist meant (and if we are honest, many of us artists are still discovering this!).

As I think back, I realized that the thing I learned about the most, more than artistic techniques or Italian culture…

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How Accepting Help is a Superpower

I began writing this humble little devotional book in the beginning of the pandemic. At the time, I was working in a large city hospital as a registered nurse and finishing my masters degree in science. I felt both trepidation and pride each day I drove to my shift or studied the human body and healthcare. One of the mornings before my shift I was praying and seeking God for guidance to help me keep my emotions in check….

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