Blessings of an Open Hand

The world can be uncertain and sometimes being open, whether it is open to change, open to new people or just open about our feelings, can be challenging. But I believe when we keep our eyes on the One who is certain, it becomes a little easier. Knowing and trusting in Christ’s love for us and His incredible faithfulness allows us to have hope that there are things that are immovable, unchangeable and trustworthy. Yes, we can believe in love and hope and faith.

We can keep our hands open and reaching upward towards Him because we know that is where all the best in life is found. I think I quote this verse more than any other, but I can’t help it. I love it! “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you” (James 4:8). This means that we can keep looking up an around, trusting His love is near to us at all times. I believe He is waiting to give us the answers and help we need each day. So, keep an open hand, He is waiting to give you so much more than you could imagine.

Questions I’m thinking about this week and invite you to join me: If you could imagine Christ placing something you need right now into your hand, what would that be? How can you trust Him more today while you wait for it (or something better!).