A Daily Lily a Day Keeps Wasted Days Away


God opens up a new day lily every morning and it only lasts for a day. No one looks at that and calls it a “waste.” This morning when I was reading this scripture from Matthew 6:30-34 (MSG), I realized that our worrying about anything is truly wasted.

Why? Because every single day God opens a new day for us, full of opportunities, gifts, and triumphs. But instead, we often choose to grumble about the day. We choose to look at things as difficulties, negatives and problems. Not choosing to open ourselves up to God and allowing His Spirit to work in all the moments of our day is plainly selfish and foolish.

I do it enough to know. I am not saying do not appreciate the stress and horror in the world. I am not saying “well just don’t feel the weight of our tenuous unknown futures.” Please. That’s ridiculous and not godly. We have emotions. Jesus wept, let’s remember.

So my friends, we all experience the weight of worry at one time or another. We all have concerns, deep-rooted or passing fears (sometimes they can feel endless) but we do not have to let these potential circumstances control us. It just doesn’t have to be the same mindset of “because I am anxious or worried I am therefore going to stay that way.”

Philippians 4:6-7 says if we will pray about everything instead of worry about anything and thank God for what he has done and is doing, God will give us His peace. It goes on to say that this peace will guard our hearts! Not only this, but Proverbs 17:22 tells us that a cheerful look will bring joy to our hearts. It also says (Proverbs 15:30) that good news will bring us good health. 

That causes me to think OK, maybe our days have a hundred worldly troubles in it and the future seems like a jumbled mess too.

But hear me out: I also know I am loved beyond imagination, at the end of all this I will be in an amazing place, and that God, who is all-powerful, is working out everything to the good (even when it doesn’t look like it). I always carry the truth of good news because I can always drink deeply the joy knowing that eternity with with my best friend.

If this is the case, and every Christian holds that truth, then why, I wonder, do we let worry steal our present? Why do we let it have a hold on any part of our day?

And my real question is this: Which outlook are you choosing today?