Three Ways to Refreshment This Weekend

Hey friends! Happy Friday!

If anyone out there had a tough week, a long week or maybe a long month, I wanted to share the top three ways I rejuvenate! After all, as many of you know, we just can’t pour from empty cups! I’m going to go through these and answer the “Why should I bother with this?” question too! If you’re like me, you want a good reason for why you’re trying something, right?

  1. Take several hours of one of your weekend days and completely disconnect from your phone, computer, ipad, TV, etc! Of course, if you can do a whole day, kudos! I just know this practice can be challenging, so beginning with part of a day is a wonderful start!

    Why it’s worth it: First off, once it’s done, it feels like a mini mental cleanse! I love taking this time because it reminds me of the goodness and peacefulness in the world.I like to take this time to go for a walk, read a book, draw or simply listen to or make music. It’s a wonderful way to remember that you can survive like without technology for a little bit.

  2. Do something entirely because you want to do it- even if its just for 5- 20 minutes. Of course, within reason, haha!

    Why it’s worth it: Recently, I was so busy that I didn’t even feel like I could sit and play my ukulele for even 5 minutes. Little did I know it, but that irriation and frustration was like an energy drain on me. I finally just sat down and played a few songs. The relief was immediate. Sometimes we just have a little itch we need to scratch at taking the time to do it is worth it!

  3. Take a few minutes and write out things that have been going well recently and what you’re thankful for.

    Why it’s worth it: Does this one sound cliche? Good! Cliche’s come about because they are true, but so often we don’t take the time to do the simplest things like practicing gratitude! For me, I need this practice daily. Haha! I journal each morning and thank God for certain things, sometimes its a long list, sometimes it’s simply “Thank you for today, Jesus!” I always feel more rested and in a better state of mind afterwards. While science has proven over and over the positive mental shift that this has for those who try it, I’m surprised at how few of us will do it!

Well, friends, there you have it! This is my top rejuvenation strategies, and I’d love to hear yours below if you’ll share! If you liked this, let me know and I’ll make a part 2!

Have a wonderful weekend!

PS: this image is part of a new series coming titled “The Summoning” and I can’t wait to share it with you!